Historian Lonn Taylor told me that art critic Dave Hickey said the only living artist in Texas worth a shit is in Valentine. Hickey was referring to Boyd Elder. Boyd's a great visual artist but is best known for doing the album covers for the band the Eagles back in the day.
I was out at Boyd's and he showed me his designs for biker wear bearing his artwork.
For your edification, here's a few samples. Note: that's Boyd in the last two shots.

I have known Boyd Elder since High School in El Paso during the late 50's and 60's...last time I saw him was in El Paso during the seventies..after he had returned from Hawaii and before moving to Valentine..he and his family were living in old water tank converted to a home off Alabama street. I have been wanting to contact him for years..just afraid he won't remember me!! I loved Boyd then and still remember all the good time..in fact came across an old business card of his..during the 60's he pin stipped and did artwork on cars!
Sandy Hanna
boyd you dog take care reed
Hi james from Dublin, Ireland here-was reading that new book Hotel California and wanted to know a bit about who the heck Boyd Elder was? So many thanks for the info!
I met Boyd at my surfing buddy's house rick griffin, throughout the years we have remained friends and shared endless laughing setions. He gets my humor and i get his artwork. Boyd has a great sense of humor and as far as i'm concerned is a national treasure. love, goatboy!
I got to meet Boyd when our band was in Tornillo recording in the mid ninetys.He was a very easy going man who made you feel you knew him all your life. What a talent he has.
CherryDienz saz: lived with Boyd and his wife LuAnne in Valentine before I got my first job as a cowgirl in Valentine. He went to school in LA at Chouinard Art School with my sister Connie Saxe. What a mind blower that was...Living in OK. Must send pix to him of the X Ranch and buffalos.
"EL BOYD" ...nombre de ,,EL INDIO BLANCO-LOCO,,
El BOYD...,,EL INDIO BLANCO,,?Que Tal? Someday we shall meet again in another reunion perhaps! Famoso con SAFO, Amigo! - Porter? -J.Luckett
Boyd, these are awesome designs, it's great to see a true artist at work! May you have many more years displaying your artwork to the biker community!
I was in a gallery recently in Santa Barbara which had some cow scull sculpture on display. I struck up a conversation with the gallery owner, who hadn't heard of Boyd Elder, although he thought he vaguely remembered the Album art. He said he would Google Elder straight away. I'm sure he's glad he did by now.
I'm writting this from my mothers email address, you may remember her, she was married to my father, and from what I understand he was a friend of yours, his name was david holland, and I'm his oldest son, Jason. I was born in 74, and just was wandering if you remember them ( my mom is Debbie) and if you may have any interesting stories from way back then. By the way, I admire your artwork, very nice work! If you feel like responding I would appreciate it. Thank you. J.
I just realized I didn't leave a way for you to respond, I'm not sure how these blog commentaries work, so if there is a way you can respond please let me know, don't just want to put my email address up here, this is jay dog that left the last comment about my parents. Thanks and peace.
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